Pet Ear Infection

Like humans, your dog or cat can have an ear infection. Since your pet won’t talk to tell you that something is troubling its ears, you need to use your watchful eye and instincts to spot pet ear infections. We at Grand Park Animal Clinic in Katy, TX, share common signs you should keep your eyes peeled for to identify pet ear infections. A veterinarian on our team can provide a pet exam and give treatment for pet ear infections.

Scratching or Pawing at the Ear

Because of itchiness, your dog may continuously scratch the affected ear. While an occasional scratch doesn’t point to an infection, continuous scratching means something is wrong with the ears.

Head Tilting

If you notice your pet shaking or tilting its head, ear infections could be the culprit. Since an infection causes a buildup of pressure, head tilting or shaking is a way to ease up the pressure.

Loss of Balance

Like humans, pets use their ears to maintain balance and stability. So, if you notice your pet walking in circles or bumping into objects, they could have a severe ear infection.

The other common symptoms include:

  • Redness inside the ear canal
  • Bad smell from the ears
  • Ear discharge
  • Scabs inside the ear

If you notice any symptoms of pet ear infections, don’t try home remedies since this may worsen the condition. Don’t use human medicine (ear drops) to treat pet ear infections. Consult with a veterinarian on our team to get a pet exam if you are unsure about a treatment.

How We Treat Pet Ear Infections

Treatments for ear infections differ because the causes vary. Here are remedies we may use to treat pet ear infections after we identify the condition with a pet exam:

  • Antibiotics in the form of ear drops or oral medication to treat bacterial infections
  • Foreign object removal
  • Antihistamines to curb allergies
  • Medications for ear mites

At home, administer the medication as directed by a veterinarian on our team. Monitor your pet’s ears to see if the symptoms are clearing up.

Get Our Veterinary Services from a Veterinarian on Our Team to Treat Pet Ear Infections

Suspecting your pets have pet ear infections? Book an appointment with us at Grand Park Animal Clinic serving Katy, TX, for a pet exam and proper treatment. Call us at (281) 392-3127.