What You Need to Know about Spay and Neuter

When it comes to protecting your pets, helping ensure good pet health, and helping out society, it’s hard to beat spay and neuter. If you haven’t had your pet fixed, schedule a pet exam with a “veterinarian near me” on our team. If you need assistance in Katy, TX, get in touch with us at Grand Park Animal Clinic and we will be happy to further explore the many benefits of having your companions spayed or neutered.

How Getting Pets Fixed Can Fix Society

Many animal shelters are crowded and, in some cases, unwanted pets are being euthanized because there's simply no room. By having your companion fixed, you can help control the pet population. This can make it more likely that every pet can find a loving home.

Spay and neuter can also help keep animals off the street. Stray cats and dogs often suffer a rough life riddled with disease. They may end up killing birds, rabbits, squirrels, and other local wildlife just to survive. In some cases, they might even attack pets. They can also spread diseases and parasites to domesticated animals.

Improve Your Pet’s Health Too

Helping build better communities is one major reason to get your pets fixed. You can also improve your pet’s temperament and health. Neutered dogs and cats, among other animals, are less likely to get into fights over territory and mates if they have been fixed. Female dogs are often more predictable and less irritable after they have been spayed.

Pets will also be less likely to suffer certain forms of cancer, such as ovarian or testicular cancer, after undergoing a spay and neuter procedure. Pregnancy can also be hard on the body and may lead to dangerous complications and spaying prevents that from happening.

Get a Pet Exam and Spay and Neuter from a Veterinarian

If you want to speak with a “veterinarian near me” about spay or neuter or need to schedule a pet exam in Katy, TX, contact us at Grand Park Animal Clinic. Call us at (281) 392-3127 for more information.