Allergy Treatments for Pets

Allergies are common in cats and dogs. They can even be allergic to more than one thing. Fortunately, many allergies in pets can be successfully treated. We at Grand Park Animal Clinic in Katy, TX, look at how to treat pet allergies.

Allergy treatments for pets

Identifying the Allergen

Finding out what your pet is allergic to is crucial. We will work with you to uncover your pets allergy triggers and create a treatment plan to help ease the symptoms

Corticosteroid Injections

If your pet has severe allergies, injections may help, particularly with itching. We strive to make treating allergies as comfortable and convenient as possible.

Oral Medications

The most common medications given by veterinarians to pets to calm their allergy symptoms down are antihistamines and immunosuppressive drugs.


Antibiotics are usually only given when a pet has scratched his or her skin open. There is often bacteria, viruses, and fungi on your pet’s claws. This gets into the pet’s wounds, which may cause an infection. Antibiotics do not treat allergies, but they may be necessary to fight infection if your pet has open wounds due to scratching.

Topical Treatments

Medicated shampoos, sprays, and spot-on treatments can help with itchy skin.

Allergy Shots

Also called antigen injections, these are similar to allergy shots in people. They get the pet’s body used to an allergen to reduce the animal’s allergic response.

Allergy Diets

Treating food allergies is more complicated than for other kinds of allergies. Although medication can be given to ease the allergic symptoms, you need to find out what allergen is responsible in order to exclude it. This requires a special feeding program called an exclusion diet.

  • Feed a bland diet of nothing but rice and a protein decided by your veterinarian. No treats. This can take a few weeks for a dog, but about two months for a cat, since it takes that long for the allergens to clear your pet’s body.
  • Add just one new food item.
  • If, after a few days, no allergy symptoms appear, add another food.
  • Repeat until symptoms appear. This way, the allergen can be identified.

Lifestyle Changes

Changes may have to be made in a pet’s home in order to reduce his exposure to certain allergens. This varies wildly depending on what allergies the pet has. It can be as simple as not using a brand of laundry detergent or as difficult as putting your pet on a homemade diet.

Does Your Pet Have Allergies?

If your dog or cat suffers from pet allergies and you live in the Katy, TX, area, contact us at Grand Park Animal Clinic at (281) 392-3127 to make an appointment for a pet exam today.


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