Microchipping FAQs

Microchipping can be an important part of pet care. Pet owners want to ensure their pets are more likely to be returned to them in case they ever get lost or stolen, and microchips offer a convenient way to do this. At Grand Park Animal Clinic in Katy, TX, we can offer microchipping and other veterinary pet services. Here are some frequently asked questions about the process so that you can make an informed decision about whether it's right for your pet. A veterinarian on our veterinary team is here to help.

Microchipping FAQs

What Is Microchipping?

Microchipping is a simple in-office procedure where a small microchip is implanted underneath your pet's skin. The chip is about the size of grain of rice and it's a quick procedure. After the microchip is scanned, it will have an identification number that is secured by a database.

When Should I Get My Pet Microchipped?

For most pets, the best time to get them microchipped is as early as possible. This can help ensure that all their necessary vaccines are up-to-date and that their records can be properly linked with the chip. Some pet owners also have microchipping during another procedure, like spay or neuter.

Do Microchips Contain Private Information?

The only information contained on the microchip is what you provide though they usually at least contain the owner’s name and contact information. The chip does not contain any personal information about you or your pet that you do not give it. It does not even have a serial number on it, so if it is removed, there is no way to link the chip back to you or your pet unless you have given the information. It’s also important for owners to keep their contact information updated on the registry after getting their pet chipped so rescue workers can return them quickly if they are found without an owner present.

Will a Microchip Help Me Find My Lost Pet?

There's no guarantee you will find your pet once its lost. However, you can have the extra peace of mind knowing that your pet has a better chance of being returned to you if he gets lost. Use a pet collar and microchipping to increase your chances of finding your pet.

Contact Us at Grand Park Animal Clinic in Katy, TX, for Pet Microchipping

At Grand Park Animal Clinic, we provide pet service to our patients. If you are interested in microchipping or want to learn more about it, we are here to help. Contact our office today to book an appointment with a qualified veterinarian on our veterinary team. Call us at (281) 392-3127.

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