Managing Separation Anxiety

Many pet owners in Katy, TX, don’t realize how severe separation anxiety is with their pets. Separation anxiety occurs when a pet is highly attached to the owner, and as a result, the pet gets incredibly stressed when left alone. This stress can create unruly behavior, such as destroying household items or furniture. Our veterinarian at Grand Park Animal Clinic is here to provide tips to help you manage separation anxiety, including the possibility of veterinary boarding services.

Speak to Our Vet

First and foremost, talk to our Katy, TX, veterinarian. While separation anxiety may be the cause, there may be underlying issues for your pet to behave differently. For example, some medications, infections, hormone issues, or other health conditions may cause your animal to exhibit signs of separation anxiety. We can rule out medical problems so our vet can treat the issue.

Mild Cases of Separation Anxiety

If you have identified that your pet has separation anxiety, there are steps you can take to make life a little less stressful for your pet when you need to leave them. You can give your pet a special treat when you leave, such as a toy stuffed with goodies. This distraction should only be delivered to your pet when you go out and taken away when you return.

Try to avoid making a big deal about leaving the house and returning. For instance, don’t give your pet attention when you leave or return for a few minutes. Our vet may also recommend an over-the-counter calming supplement you can give your pet.

Severe Cases of Separation Anxiety

The tips mentioned above won’t help if your pet has severe separation anxiety. Therefore, you will need to gradually work towards easing these feelings of stress. For example, your pet is likely to get anxious when you put on your shoes, put on your jacket, or pick up your keys. So, when you do these things, don’t leave. Instead, do this throughout the day to show your pet that those things don’t always mean you’re leaving.

As your pet gets used to this, you should start to leave for a short period. Just go on the other side of a door and then reappear after several seconds. Increase this action by staying away for longer intervals. Ask your pet to stay while doing this. You can continue to increase the time you are going outdoors.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Veterinary Professional in Katy, TX

Your pet should get used to being separated from you. The best thing to do is ensure your pet is happy and busy while you’re away, reducing the chances of them being anxious. Boarding at our veterinary clinic is also a consideration, as your pet won’t be alone when you are gone. Contact us today at (281) 392-3127 to learn about pet boarding and schedule an appointment with our veterinarian at Grand Park Animal Clinic in Katy, TX.